
Sophos leverages threat intelligence data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning from SophosLabs and SophosAI to offer a wide range of advanced products and services that protect users, networks, and endpoints against ransomware, malware, exploits, phishing, and a huge variety of cyber attacks.

Sophos offers a single integrated and cloud-based management console, Sophos Central: the key element of an adaptive security ecosystem including a centralized Data Lake. Data Lake, in turn, makes use of a complete range of open APIs available to customers, partners, developers, and other security vendors.

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Organization number: 556216-9267.

Copyright © 2024 C&C Sweden AB.

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Organization number: 556216-9267.

Copyright © 2024 C&C Sweden AB.

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Organization number: 556216-9267.

Copyright © 2024 C&C Sweden AB.

All rights reserved.

Organization number: 556216-9267.