C&C also at the European Researchers' Night 2022

C&C also at the European Researchers' Night 2022

Among the appointments of the Italian event, the educational workshops Edu

Among the appointments of the Italian event, the educational workshops Edu

Among the appointments of the Italian event, the educational workshops Edu


The European Researchers' Night #LEAF is approaching, during which female and male researchers will meet in many European locations to delve into topics that touch on our current affairs. 

The central theme of the entire Italian Science Week, scheduled from September 24th to October 1st, organized in Italy by Frascati Science and its many partners, including C&C Apple Authorised Education Specialist, is the care of the planet, understood as the care of humanity's future. It will be a journey into research, during which young people will tour educational laboratories set up for the event, in search of all kinds of scientific surprises.

The crises we are experiencing, from climate to food, from energy to health, are at the center of the work of researchers in all fields, and it is no coincidence that many of the events on the program will directly concern the hot topics for humanity. There will be discussions about wheat, food, crop sustainability, energy solutions, viruses and bacteria, water and drought, as well as space, air and pollution, land, biodiversity and soil. This is what the acronym #LEAF stands for: heaL thE plAnet’s Future, taking care of the planet's future, the theme of the 17th edition of the Night organized by Frascati Science, the oldest in our country. But there are many Italian projects participating in this night that celebrate the protagonists of research throughout Europe. In fact, Italy, with 8 projects funded by the European Commission, is the European country that celebrates the protagonists of research the most.

Almost four hundred events in one week, to learn about food science, space science, energy, physics and chemistry for the environment, cutting-edge technologies for the preservation of art, for building construction, for understanding the past, for investigating, for following water paths, for sustainable living, for securing a future.

For the occasion, C&C Apple Authorised Education Specialist has organized two educational laboratories which will take place on September 29th and 30th, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am and from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, at the Mura del Valadier in Frascati.

"Women in Science": Who said that science is "a man's thing"?! Let's explore the careers of some of the most brilliant female scientists of all time, and understand well that to become scientists, passion for learning and a creative mind capable of dreaming is all that is needed - so to speak! Participants will use iPads to design videos and AR environments to showcase their heroines, and together they will create material that can be collected and "taken home" thanks to their teachers.

"Everything Around Here is Green": We need to change the world... and who can better imagine how to do that than children? During this workshop, children will, in teams, use iPads to explore themes related to sustainability (such as buildings, nature, travel, and food), each creating a "Fantastic Product!" related to that theme, which they will share with their classmates and include in a "Catalog of Wonders" in ePub or PDF format that the teacher will take home to share with families.

Meanwhile, the number of locations involved in the program is growing, and #LEAF will be in 23 cities this year. Much will happen in Rome, where there will be numerous events at universities (Roma Tre, Tor Vergata, LUMSA, Unitelma Sapienza), research centers of foundations, hospitals and universities (Bambin Gesù, Gemelli, Campus Bio-Medico, IFO-IRCCS, EBRI), CREA, ICR (Central Institute for Restoration), Banca d’Italia. Frascati, as a city located in one of the largest research hubs in Europe, will host hundreds of events for both adults and children. And then there are also Ariccia, Arpino, Colleferro, Carbonia, Cassino, Grottaferrata, Frosinone, Gorga, Latina, Monterotondo, Nemi, Padova, Palermo, Parma, Pofi, Pontecagnano Faiano, Potenza, Rende, Ripi, Sestu, spanning from small to large cities, from north to south and east to west of the peninsula.

LEAF is funded by the HORIZON-MSCA-Citizens-2022 program of the European Commission, as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.

To learn more about the program and the protagonists of the European Researchers' Night 2022 LEAF by Frascati Science, you can visit the website www.frascatiscienza.it

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