PNRR new skills and languages, Ministerial Decree 65 of 12/04/2023

PNRR new skills and languages, Ministerial Decree 65 of 12/04/2023


Jan 22, 2024

The decree of the Ministry of Public Education of April 12, 2023, No. 65, allocates part of the resources, amounting to 750 million euros, related to investment line 3.1 "New Skills and New Languages" of Mission 4 – Component 1 – of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The public notice prot. No. 130341 of November 9, 2023, falls within the investment "New Skills and New Languages" promoting training actions to strengthen skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and multilingual disciplines, implementing what is provided by the decree of the Minister of Education and Merit of April 12, 2023, No. 65.

Recipients: state schools and non-commercial equivalent schools

Beneficiaries: students, teachers in service

Purpose and Objectives

Investment 3.1 "New Skills and New Languages" of Mission 4 – Component 1 of the PNRR has the dual aim of promoting the integration, within the curricula of all school cycles, of activities, methodologies, and content aimed at developing STEM, digital, and innovation competencies, and to enhance the multilingual skills of students and teachers.

With the ministerial decree No. 65 of 2023, funds are allocated, under investment line 3.1 "New Skills and New Languages" Mission 4 – Component 1, amounting to 750 million euros in favor of all educational institutions, according to the following breakdown, based on two distinct lines of intervention:

Intervention A – Creation of educational, training, and guidance paths for students aimed at promoting the integration within the curricula of all school cycles, of activities, methodologies and content aimed at developing STEM, digital, and innovation competencies, as well as language skills, ensuring equal opportunities and gender parity in terms of methodological approach and STEM orientation activities, for a total of 600,000,000 euros;

Intervention B – Creation of annual language and methodology training courses, aimed at enhancing the linguistic skills of teachers in service and improving their methodological teaching competencies, in compliance with what is provided by article 1, paragraph 7, letter a), of the law of July 13, 2015, No. 107, of the target M4C1-17 (at least 1,000 annual courses of language and methodology for all teachers by June 30, 2025), in favor of all educational institutions, for a total of 150 million euros.

The following tables provide a summary of all the useful information for the design of actions on the specific platform "FUTURA PNRR – Project Management".



The project proposals can be submitted by no later than 3:00 PM on February 8, 2024, by accessing the application platform "Futura PNRR - Project Management", available in the specific reserved area of the portal of the Ministry of Education and Merit, accessible at the address and by completing the specific application form. 

All actions related to the two intervention lines must be initiated promptly from the 2023-2024 school year and concluded with the related completion certification by May 15, 2025, in order to achieve the investment line targets.

In this folder all the documents related to:

  • DECREE 65 - 04.12.23,

  • DM 65/ R.U. 130341 NON-COMMERCIAL EQUIVALENT SCHOOLS - 11.09.23,



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